Coach Tonya Ramsey help women take off the SuperMom Cape
Released on = July 12, 2007, 7:38 pm
Press Release Author = Tonya Ramsey/Teresa Morrow
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = Beloit, WI - If you talk with working mothers that you know, or even examine your own experiences, falling into the SuperMom trap is a common problem. For those that need help getting and staying out of the SuperMom trap, Coach Tonya, owner of Life By Design, offers a two-part online workshop starting July 24th at 8pm CST. Participants can register for this workshop at
Press Release Body = "We are the nurturers, we hold those little hands throughout their lives, no matter how big they are, we always see those tiny hands in our own. No mother takes that responsibility lightly." Ramsey wrote in her article, "Understanding the SuperMom Trap", "It is easy to see how a mother falls into the SuperMom to get out is really the big question." The workshop concentrates on ways to leave behind the conditioned thinking that leads to unrealistic expectations from themselves and others. As well as teaching how to adopt a healthier sense of self, in order to reveal their true identity. The goal is for working mothers to learn ways to balance and define the multiple roles they take on in their life without sacrificing themselves to them. Tonya Ramsey, self-esteem coach and owner of Life By Design; which provides one on one coaching, workshops, classes, and other resources for women, talked about falling into the SuperMom trap herself. "I tried being SuperMom, but the cape kept getting caught under the wheels of my office chair." Ramsey, who is a work at home mom, balances running her businesses, with being a mom to her two-year-old son, Logan, and being a student at the University of Wisconsin, where she is finishing her degree in Psychology with a minor in Women's Studies.